Legislative Research and Monitoring

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Legislative Research and Monitoring

The current situation is characterised by a series of regulatory and legislative reforms which are significantly changing the Public Works sector, Public Administrations, local government, land use planning and urban planning.
STRATA’s goal is to provide its clients with a regulatory monitoring service for areas of interest through:

  • Initial interpretations and assessment of possible solutions;
  • Monitoring of case law and legal doctrine on specific topics of interest for the client;
  • Review of ongoing legislative initiatives and updates on parliamentary developments through newsletters;
  • Analysis of legislative provisions issued or being approved by Parliament concerning corporate structure.

STRATA’s services include direct assistance for specific issues or problems of overriding interest to our clients. Services provided by STRATA in this area include:

  • Identification of the regulatory frameworks most applicable and favourable to the Client’s strategic activities and policies and formulation of proposals for new legal rules or new interpretations of the applicable law;
  • Drawing up of technical documentation and explanatory dossiers or any such proposals, as well as participation in round tables and conferences;
  • Monitoring the progress of such proposals and providing, to the bodies and stakeholders affected by the new legal rules or new interpretations of existing laws, clarifications, data and information deemed necessary for the prompt approval or reinterpretation of the new rules.

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